Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Last day at the Age of 17

Hey guys sorry for the lack of posts but I have been so busy with school exams. 
Anyway this awesome dress from  CHI CHI CLOTHING arrived few weeks ago. 
CHI CHI CLOTHING is leading retailer of ladies fashion, specialising in Cocktail, Prom and Evening dresses. 
I was very impressed by the appearance. There is really no difference from the internet and in real and surprisingly, the quality & design is better than I thought as well.  But unfortunately, this beautiful dress doesn't fits me perfectly - it turned out a way too big. I usually wear size XS and have taken size UK 6, the smallest size they had.  Well, I think I simply have too small bust for this dress. 
However, I would recommend this Online Shop to everyone who needs a unique dress for a special event such as prom night, wedding party, birthday etc. 

Dress : from CHI CHI LONDON (direct)

12 Kommentare:

  1. Gehe ich richtig in der Annahme, dass du heute Geburtstag hast und auch noch 18 wirst? Wenn ja, herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Das Kleid steht dir sehr gut :-) Schöne Bilder!

  2. das eine bild hast du doppelt :DD aber man muss schon sagen, hübsche 18-jährige ;) :D N.A.

  3. wow das Kleid ist wunderschoen!! :)

  4. Alles gute nachträglich! Tolle Bilder, das Kleid steht dir echt total gut :)

    Ganz lieben Gruß,

  5. Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich :)

  6. oh wie hübsch du bist :-) ich liebe dein haar
